Banana Tapioca Smoothie
This kind of drink is very popular in Asia. Here in the US bubble tea make with black tea, I thought if the recipe calls for tea why can we make smoothie Tapioca and just don’t add tea to it. Tapioca pearl come with many color so pick what you like. I give you both recipes if you like bubble tea. You can even use chocolate or Strawberry milk for Tapioca Pearl.
For the bubble tea recipe you need to boil 1 cup of tapioca pearl.
1/2 cup of cooked any color tapioca pearl
1 cup of milk or soy milk
1 cup of black tea
Some sweeteners
Tapioca takes a long time to cook, in a medium pot boil 5 cups of water and add 1 cup of Tapioca to boiling water.
Boil tapioca on medium heat for 30 minutes then turn the heat off and cover while it is hot steaming for another 30 minutes so the tapioca will cook all the way.
You can boil Tapioca longer than 30 minutes until the tapioca turn clear and no white inside (this is the best way) if the water is evaporated do add more water to it. When it is done drian cooked tapioca under cold running water rinse and set aside.
Take the amount you need keep the rest in the fridge for later use (don’t keep it too long or else it will stick together like jelly, if it sticks together rinse it again under cold running water then it will separate)
To make the tea put the tapioca in the tall glass set aside
In a separate bowl or glass mix the rest of the milk and tea with some sweeteners then poor into the tapioca glass with some ice in it.
Serve cold
For the smoothies recipe ( if the smoothie is thick add more milk or soy milk to it so the Tapioca can come out easy with the big straw, always add sweetener to it.)
I use all kind of tropical fruit for the smoothie all you have to do add the cooked tapioca to it.
You can make banana smoothie tapioca, mango, or pineapple whatever you like. Sometime I just buy some yogurt smoothie from the store and add cooked tapioca pearl to it.
Here are few recipes you can do
Banana smoothie
2 Bananas
1 cup of milk
5 T of frozen orange juice concentrate
3 T of malted milk powder
Crush ice (add later when serve) or ice cube
Sweeteners 1 to 2 pkg up to you
1/3 to 1/2 cup of cooked tapioca pearl put in a tall glass.
In a blender mix bananas, milk, frozen orange, powder milk, sweetener until smooth
Pour into tapioca glass add crush ice serve cold
Orange smoothie
1 cup of vanilla ice cream or vanilla frozen yogurt
3/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of frozen orange juice concentrate
1/3 to 1/2 cup of cooked tapioca pearl
Mix everything in the blender until smooth pour into tapioca glass serve cold
Soy Mango Smoothie
1 cup of mango chunks
1(6oz) Vanilla soy yogurt
1/2 cup of orange juice
2 T of honey or sweetener
1/4 t of grated fresh ginger
1/3 to 1/2 cup of cooked tapioca pearl
Blend everything in a blender until smooth pour in the tapioca glass serve cold